Deze lijst hoort bij het boek Of Course!
You should...; We'd better...
beschuldiging van de hand wijzen
Don't blame me for the fact...; It is not my fault...; There's no way...
gesprek beëindigen
I hope you don't mind, but...; I'm afraid...; It's been very interesting talking to you...
iets voorstellen
What about...; What if we...; We might...; Why don't you...
irritatie uitdrukken
Do you actually realise...; It really annoys me...
mening geven
In my opinion...; I think...
mening vragen
What is your opinion about this?; What is your opinion of this?; What do you think of this?
Hang on; Wait a minute; If I might add something; Excuse me for interrupting, but...
opluchting uitdrukken
I was so relieved...; It was a relief...
telefoongesprek beginnen
This is ... speaking; ... speaking
teleurstelling uitdrukken
I'm disappointed...; It's a pity...; It's too bad...
verontwaardiging uitdrukken
It is ridiculous...; I can't believe...; I was shocked to read...
zekerheid uitdrukken
I'm convinced...; I'm sure...